Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The 2016 Election Herd Of Candidates For President

My word! Yet another Republican is running for the White House. What is that? Sixteen or seventeen? I have lost count or either couldn't give a fuck. Governor John Kasich from Ohio just announced. Okay, I have no intention of every voting for a Republican president again but this man is head and shoulders above all of the others - Yes, he has baggage regarding the environment and other issues. The Donald is the best gift to the Democrats that they could ever hope for! The man is a rich ego maniac and he could if hounded by the Republican National Committee to decide to run as a independent.
Every other Republican running is lack luster, a radical, a religious fanatic, or has a questionable record in their home state. I love Bernie Sander's message and I think his progressive ideas will be embraced by the DNC in this election but the man is simply not presidential material. I did buy a Bernie t-shirt. I am starting to pay attention to former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley.

The fun thing to watch is Trump tearing into the GOP candidates while he is not shitting in the Hispanics.... And, they are going to have to start going after one another beside the Donald.


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