Sunday, May 10, 2015

Jeb Wouldn't Have Authorized Invading Iraq

He said that he would have done that based on the same intelligence that his brother GW had. Well, there is one problem with that; GW etal, cooked the books on the intel and cherry picked what items to use to justify the invasion and worse yet; ignored the advice of others. You must remember how GW and the others (Rumsfeld, Rice, and Cheney) made ever pathetic attempt they could to tie Saddam Hussein to the events of 9/11 - While totally ignoring the fact that fifteen of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.
No Bush in 2016 - Fuck us once, fuck us twice; not a third time.......


1 comment:

  1. Merca is ready and willing to get fucked even better the third time around.
