Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

I just wish that we could go a whole year from now without losing another servicemember in combat.
We certainly don't need to go back into Iraq to fight a war that the Iraqi Army will not. They had the ISIS outnumbered ten to one and fled. Yes, the cowards and abandoned tanks, artillery, Hun Vees, and no doubt guns and ammunition to ISIS when they fled Ramandi. We need to disengage in Afghansitan totally. They can either stand up and fight the Taliban or make a deal with the Islamists; it isn't our war any more.

No more flag draped caskets for wars that we cannot win...


1 comment:

  1. you got it right Sarge, we spend millions to train and advise and guys in pickup trucks with light equipment scare the crap out of them. It's their country. We can't keep it up. The Saudi and Kuwaiti and Jordan need to get in there and kick their asses, Turkey too. If not, then slam the door shut. let them put it back a hundred years.
