Sunday, September 20, 2015


Mary Louise passed away peacefully in her sleep last Monday about 3:30 in the morning. She cannot imagine the rare gift she gave me by doing that because I was going to have to put her in away in a home and I dreaded having to so more than you can imagine. She freed me from that and for that I shall remain eternally grateful.


Wednesday, August 5, 2015


I took one of these from a semi on I-69 in Evansville today. $65 to do a repair that I would always see or $100 to replace the windshield. Duh!


Friday, July 31, 2015

Planned Parenthood and The GOP

Monday the US Senate spurred on by Ted Cruz will vote on a bill taking away funding from Planned Parenthood. This will fail as the Democrats will use the filibuster. Understand what is going on here: What the Republicans are doing is no more than pandering to their far right evangelical christian base, and this is nothing less than a brazen attack on women's rights. The vote will fail but the Republicans in the Congress will not be deterred by that and will use defunding Planned Parenthood to leverage their way in a budget battle with the Democrats and President Obama and this very well could bring on another government shutdown. And, all of this time they are working very hard to deny a woman control over whether or not she want to bear a child. The GOP is anti-abortion and against use of contraceptives but we have yet to see a bill proposed by the Republican controlled Congress to ban vasectomy's or a prophylactics, often referred to as "rubbers". Why is that?


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Trump and The RNC

Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus must be having a severe case of the nervous shits as Donald Trump rises leads all other yet announced Republican candidates for the White House in the polls. The man is brash with his words, arrogant beyond description, plus he has the money and the ego to go it alone if the RNC refuses to support him. And, the man just yesterday voiced the possibility of his running as a third party candidate. Trump going it alone is estimated to siphon off twenty-five percent of the GOP presidential vote.

Personally, I am fucking loving it...


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The 2016 Election Herd Of Candidates For President

My word! Yet another Republican is running for the White House. What is that? Sixteen or seventeen? I have lost count or either couldn't give a fuck. Governor John Kasich from Ohio just announced. Okay, I have no intention of every voting for a Republican president again but this man is head and shoulders above all of the others - Yes, he has baggage regarding the environment and other issues. The Donald is the best gift to the Democrats that they could ever hope for! The man is a rich ego maniac and he could if hounded by the Republican National Committee to decide to run as a independent.
Every other Republican running is lack luster, a radical, a religious fanatic, or has a questionable record in their home state. I love Bernie Sander's message and I think his progressive ideas will be embraced by the DNC in this election but the man is simply not presidential material. I did buy a Bernie t-shirt. I am starting to pay attention to former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley.

The fun thing to watch is Trump tearing into the GOP candidates while he is not shitting in the Hispanics.... And, they are going to have to start going after one another beside the Donald.


Friday, July 3, 2015

Same Sex Marriage

I have been doing mostly Facebook but I believe in marriage equality and a line in the sand with the doctrine of separation of church and state. Why should how you interpret what parts of the Bible you choose to believe in dictate my civil rights?


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Absolute Religious Insanity

The state of Indiana was forced to pay $1.4 million dollars in legal fees after losing the fight against same sex marraige. Then, came the disastrous Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which cost the state millions in lost revenue from conventions that have abandoned Indianapolis and companies that will either move away or not expand their operations (Angie's List) - this could even cost us a future Super Bowl, and all over religion. Oh, then in order to repair the damage done to Indiana's (Mike's Pence's) image the state has hired a New York PR firm for $750K to promote Indiana.
Folks, we Hoosiers are not all right wing, bible-thumping, homophobic, bigots. Please, comeand wander my Indiana...

I mean, give me a single NON-RELIGIOUS reason to oppose same sex marriage or for that matter to discriminate against another peson because of their sexual orientation?


Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

I just wish that we could go a whole year from now without losing another servicemember in combat.
We certainly don't need to go back into Iraq to fight a war that the Iraqi Army will not. They had the ISIS outnumbered ten to one and fled. Yes, the cowards and abandoned tanks, artillery, Hun Vees, and no doubt guns and ammunition to ISIS when they fled Ramandi. We need to disengage in Afghansitan totally. They can either stand up and fight the Taliban or make a deal with the Islamists; it isn't our war any more.

No more flag draped caskets for wars that we cannot win...


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Jeb Wouldn't Have Authorized Invading Iraq

He said that he would have done that based on the same intelligence that his brother GW had. Well, there is one problem with that; GW etal, cooked the books on the intel and cherry picked what items to use to justify the invasion and worse yet; ignored the advice of others. You must remember how GW and the others (Rumsfeld, Rice, and Cheney) made ever pathetic attempt they could to tie Saddam Hussein to the events of 9/11 - While totally ignoring the fact that fifteen of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.
No Bush in 2016 - Fuck us once, fuck us twice; not a third time.......


Friday, May 1, 2015

Aftermath of The RFRA Fiasco In Indiana

Governor Mike Pence, a christian, conservative, Repealican, has his popularity numbers in the sewer and is facing a challenge from Democrat John Gregg who he barely beat in the last general election.
And, he may even face a Republican challenger in a primary a year from now. Pence was once the GOP's rising star until be revealed himself to America as a homophobic bigot by surronding himself (in secret) with other homophobes when he sign the most discrimatory anti gay legislation in the country. The backlash was tremendous and the GOP controlled legislature was forced to issue another bill to try and but a squelch on the outrage. That didn't work worth a shit and now the GOP is blaming it all on Pence but still trying to figure out a way to pander to their far right evangelical christian base and keep from losing seats this next election.
It ain't gonna work...

Evansville, In

Monday, April 13, 2015